Weekly Recap

I hope you’ve been enjoying the first week of our “Tools for 2013″ Series.  If you’ve missed it, it’s not too late to join in.  I’m simply sharing some of my favorite tips and tricks on a variety of different topics.
Here’s a recap of this past week if you’ve missed anything:
Tools to Earn – One of the easiest things I do to earn a little extra “money” is use Swagbucks.  In this post I share about how I earned a FREE Kindle Fire, some Wii games and more last year simply by using Swagbucks as my search engine.   I know it sounds like a gimmick, but at least check out the article to read more.
Tools to Save – In this post, I suggested following a local deal blogger.  There are lots of great deal & couponing sites out there to follow, but if you’re not following a local blogger then you’re really missing out.   Check out the article to learn more about who I recommend & why.
Healthy Cooking – If one of your resolutions for 2013 is to eat clean & healthy ingredients, then you don’t want to miss this one.  Check out my go-to site … who also happens to be local and in our community!
Meal Planning – I’m committed to plan our family meals better this year.  If this is something you’re looking to do better at also, be sure to check this post for a few ideas.  There are lots of resources available just depending on your needs.
Stick with us next week as we continue to share more tips & tricks for 2013!