Throughout the 2011-2012 School Year, we’ve been lucky enough to have several guest posts from Mr. Walkup’s 3rd grade class at Vickery Creek Elementary School.  Today we’re sharing something a little different, but still very exciting indeed!  This project was recently presented in Mr. Walkup’s classroom by his third grade student Hannah T.  Hannah become really passionate about an organization called  So passionate that she created a Prezi project to present to her classmates.
Mr. Walkup explains that “the site has really caught on with my classroom as not only a way to learn, but also help others and change our world.
Personally, I think it’s pretty cool when students become passionate enough about something, that they’ll take the time to spread awareness about it!
Hannah said “I’m passionate about Free Rice because it’s a way of learning while feeding those in need.  More than 100,000 people die each day from hunger and this is a way we can decrease that amount.”

So, I present …

Free Rice

{Click Image or Click Here to See Presentation}