Natural Ways to Keep Your Family Well

Natural Ways to Keep Your Family Well this Winter

The following is a post from Contributing Writer, Dr. Kristin Marchman.  Dr. Marchman is a Licensed Chiropractor at Vickery Chiropractic in Cumming, GA and the Chiropractor I trust with my own children.  We are thankful to have Vickery Chiropractic as a current website sponsor for Cumming Local.

As a chiropractor and mom of two young boys, I am constantly researching ways to keep my family healthy, especially this time of year.  I have had many inquiries for the ways I choose to keep my family well, so I would like to share my favorite natural remedies.Of course staying active, eating right, drinking plenty of water, and getting plenty of rest are first and foremost.   You can put all the natural remedies into your body that you want, but if you aren’t taking care of your body to begin with, they won’t have nearly the same effects.Chiropractic care is another way to keep your immune system functioning at its optimal level.  It is common knowledge that chiropractic helps with back pain and headaches, but it goes much beyond just that.  The spine and nervous system are in direct correlation with the immune system, so keeping your spine aligned helps to keep you and your family well.As promised, here is a list of my favorite natural remedies.
1.  Whole food supplements.  If you have a perfect diet you can disregard this one, but realistically this doesn’t apply to any of us.  I recommend a base multivitamin as a start, and one that is catered to your gender and age group is best.  For example, I currently take a prenatal supplement, my husband takes a men’s supplement, and my 3-year-old son takes a powder mulitvitamin that is specifically designed for his nutritional needs (it dissolves easily in water and he loves the taste!).  During the winter, it is especially important to add extra vitamin D3 and vitamin C to your daily intake.  Be sure to choose whole food supplements, so that the body treats them like food and they are properly digested.  My favorite trusted brand is Innate Response.
2.  Bio-active silver hydrosol (colloidal silver at the purest form).  This natural antibiotic is the first thing I reach for when I wake up with a bit of a sore throat.  It works like broad-spectrum antibiotics against bacteria, viruses, and protozoa in the body.  Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, it does not lead to resistance and has none of the negative side effects.  It can be taken orally as well as through the ears (it’s great for ear infections in children), nose (for sinus issues), and even eyes (it does wonders for pink eye).  It is safe for children as well, so when I know my 3-year-old son has been exposed to an illness, he automatically gets a dose of silver.  It has done wonders for our family and Argentyn 23 is my trusted brand.  (I also want to note that garlic and coconut oil are also proven natural antibiotics that are used regularly in my home.)
3.  Thieves essential oil.  Essential oils are oils taken from plants that have therapeutic benefit to the body.  There are many essential oils that have become staples in my home, but the one I recommend most for it’s immune boosting benefits is thieves oil.  This blend of oils was actually used in the 15th century by thieves (hence the name) in order to avoid catching the Plague from those they were stealing from.  Thieves can be diffused into the air or rubbed onto the bottoms of the feet to increase immunity and help fight sickness.  Again, whenever I know someone in my family has been exposed to an illness, I immediately reach for thieves oil.
4.  Homemade elderberry syrup.  Black elderberries contain high levels of vitamin A, B, C, and antioxidants, which increase the effectiveness of the immune system.  When mixed with other natural immune boosting ingredients, elderberries have been shown in research studies to effectively fight the flu and other diseases. My favorite homemade elderberry syrup recipe is:

– 2/3 cup black elderberries
– 3 1/2 cup water
– 2 T fresh ginger root
– 1 tsp cinnamon
– 1/2 tsp cloves
– 1 cup raw honey
Pour water into medium saucepan and add elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.  Bring to a boil, cover and reduce to a simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour, until liquid has reduced by almost half.  Remove from heat and let cool enough to be handled.  Pour through mesh strainer into glass jar or bowl.  Discard elderberries and let liquid cool to lukewarm.  Add 1 cup of honey and stir well.  Pour syrup into mason jar or 16 ounce glass bottle.  Store in refrigerator.  Take 1 tsp daily for children and 1 T daily for adults.  If sick, take normal dose every 2-3 hours until symptoms are gone.

These are my most trusted natural remedies to fight illness during the winter months.  All of these (except for elderberry syrup) are available for order at Vickery Chiropractic.  Here’s to staying warm and healthy this winter, naturally!

Written by Dr. Kristin Marchman

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5830 Clarion Street (Vickery Village)
Cumming, GA 30040
Phone:  678-947-4449