The following is a Guest Post by Contributing Writer, Heather Clark.  Ms. Clark is the Director for Act Together Ministries in South Forsyth County.  This was on my heart, but Heather expressed it in words perfectly and I’m so thankful she shared it with us!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there.
Thank you for the sacrifices you make. For staying up all night with a sick child, for helping with homework, running the family taxi to endless ball games, and for all the things you do to keep the household running smoothly. May your day be blessed with flowers, breakfast in bed, extra chores from the kids, handmade crafts, and time to yourself.
But during this special day to celebrate motherhood, please take a moment to say a prayer for those around you who may be struggling or hurting on this day. There are so many different situations that often go overlooked.
We send our love and prayers to

  • The children and adults who’ve lost their mother. We’re so sorry for your loss. May you take this special day to remember your mother.
  • Those who have difficult relationships with their mother due to abuse or struggles from the past. Forgive us when we judge you. May God heal the wounds in your heart.
  • The lady who wants nothing more than to become a mother. Maybe you aren’t married, maybe you’re infertile, or perhaps you lost a child this year. Know that you are not alone and it’s not your fault.
  • The mother who cares for her chronically or terminally sick child day in and day out. May you feel cherished for the mother that you are.
  • Our military families- the mother whose son or daughter is protecting our country or the wife of young children whose spouse is overseas. May we remember to honor you for your great sacrifice.
  • The single mother who works 50 hours per week and her children are too young to realize it’s Mother’s day. You are not forgotten.
  • The grieving mother whose child is no longer with us. May we mourn with you. Forgive us when we’re naïve enough to think time heals all wounds.
  • The faithful mother who made no more mistakes than the rest of us yet her child ran away, is on drugs, or mistreats her. May God grant you the peace that passes understanding and may we be a shoulder for you to cry on.
  • The woman who serves as a mother to many. Perhaps you are a teacher, a foster mom, or a mentor. We praise you because you certainly do not get the appreciation you deserve.
  • The mother of a severe special needs child. This is not what motherhood was supposed to look like, this is not what you imagined when you played “house” with your dolls as a child. You endure more than most of us can imagine and we applaud you.
  • The teenager who is expecting a baby. Thank you for choosing life for your child, for enduring an emotional roller coaster, and for sacrificing months of your life to carry the pregnancy to term.

May God open our eyes to the hardships and pain around us. While it’s great to celebrate, let’s remember those who can’t or have a difficult time doing so. And for those who are hurting, let’s be happy for those who have much to celebrate.

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