mia's pizza & eats

Dining for Claire at Mia’s Pizza & Eats

All day Monday, December 3, tell the folks at Mia’s Pizza and Eats that you’re “Dining for Claire,” and 15% of your purchase goes towards Claire’s medical bills. Claire is a former Forsyth County Schools special education teacher. Claire recently had emergency surgery needed to help stop the spread of Stage 3 colon cancer. This economy has not been easy on Claire, and when she discovered she had cancer, she was unemployed with very little insurance. Her medical bills are astronomical and will continue to rise. We want to work together with the community to help support Claire, to help her stop worrying about bills and start focusing on healing.  Event Flyer.

Tell your server you’re “Dining for Claire,” and 15% of your purchase goes towards Claire’s medical bills. No coupons or special promotional certificates, please.

More Information:

Care for Claire Combs Site

Mia’s Pizza and Eats Site

911 Market Place Boulevard, Cumming, Georgia 30041.

