This is a guest post from our fabulous contributing writer and friend, Dr. Kristin Marchman. I love the practical tips she shares! And I hope you do as well.

The start of the school year brings many changes, one of which being a significant change to our family schedules. These changes can throw us off track in terms of our healthy lifestyle habits. Now that we are into the new school year, allow me to share some tips to help keep your family on track for a healthier, happier home all year long.

1. Start your day with a nutritious breakfast. Studies show that kids who eat breakfast score higher on tests, concentrate better, and solve problems more easily. For adults, benefits include enhanced vitamin and mineral intake, weight control, increased mental clarity, and greater production at work. If you are running short on time in the morning, plan your breakfast the night before to set yourself up for success.

2. Take supplements in the morning to ensure your body gets everything it needs on a daily basis. I recommend a multivitamin and probiotic (gut health is so important, especially for our kids) at the very minimum. I highly encourage extra vitamin D, especially during the fall and winter months when we don’t get as much natural sunlight. Always have vitamin C on hand for times when you need extra immune support.

3. Use essential oils. From mood-boosting oils diffusing before your kids roll out of bed to valor for those school day jitters. From thieves for immune support to a focus blend to help your child stay on track and do their best. Oils are a huge tool for back to school season and have been a game-changer in my home. To learn more about essential oils (I only recommend Young Living essential oils), check out this page. I’m also always posting little oily tips and tricks on my Instagram page.

4. Pack lunches together the night before. Allowing your child to be part of the process and decision making means they are more likely to be happy with the selections and will be more likely to eat it. It also gives you an extra set of hands to get things done, all while empowering them. Best of all, it’s one less thing you have to worry about in the morning. Pack yours while you are at it!

5. Stay active. Running from one activity to the next leaves little time for meals as a family, homework, and unstructured time to just be together. Carefully consider the activities your children are involved in. Plan family time around a physical activity such as bike riding, hiking, or playing soccer in the yard. Limit screen time for your children to one to two hours a day. There are all sorts of benefits that come from being active for both young and old, but a few big ones come to mind: improved energy, improved mood, enhanced learning and memory, improved concentration, better sleep, and increased immune function.

6. Write everything down onto a calendar or planner. Putting all activities and obligations on a master family calendar allows you to see where you can carve out time for your own activity, as it’s so important to practice self-care. Get creative. Maybe it is walking around the field while your child is at soccer practice.  Maybe it is taking turns with your spouse as to who does drop off so you can hit the gym first thing in the morning. Maybe it is taking turns with a friend watching each other’s kids so that you can get a massage to improve your mental and physical well being.

7. Get adjusted. Getting your spine aligned helps you function better, mentally and physically. I recommend getting adjusted at least once a month in order to feel and perform at your best. Adjustments are safe and effective for the entire family, and regular adjustments make a huge difference in the overall wellness of your family.

8. Prioritize good, quality sleep. Sleep is just as vital to us adults as it is to growing children. Not getting enough sleep can lead to irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate, and a decrease in productivity.  Additionally, sleep deprivation alters immune function. Getting enough sleep leads to a happier and more efficient environment so that your family is better able to face the challenges that a new and busy routine brings.

Hopefully, these tips will help you maintain your healthy lifestyle habits as you progress through the school year.

Here’s to a happy, healthy school year for your family!

Dr. Kristin Marchman

Dr. Kristin Marchman is excited to serve the Cumming community and assist in educating about health and wellness.  As a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and Georgia Birth Network, Dr. Marchman is dedicated to providing optimal health to her patients through chiropractic care. She is certified in the Webster Technique for pregnant women, a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nervous system and balances maternal pelvic muscles and ligaments. This in turn reduces torsion in the uterus, a cause of intra-uterine constraint of the baby, and allows for optimal fetal positioning in preparation for birth.

While Dr. Marchman specializes in pregnant women, children, and athletes, she welcomes patients of all ages and from all walks of life. Dr. Marchman has a passion for serving others and cannot imagine doing anything else. Outside of the office, she an active member of Browns Bridge Church and the Cumming-Forsyth Chamber of Commerce. She spends her free time staying active, traveling, and spending time with her husband Tyler and two sons, Tanner and Brody.

Connect with Dr. Marchman Online: Website | Facebook

Office Phone: 470.522.7801