School is back in session in Forsyth County. But not for everyone yet! The preschoolers typically don’t start until after Labor Day. So – what do you do with your little ones during these extra weeks? Here at Cumming Local, we have compiled a top ten list of activities.
If you guys try any of these out we would love to hear from you. Let us know how it went!
10. Make Homemade Paint: Click here for a bunch of fun recipes
9. Do a Science Project: Go here to find some fun ones for preschoolers. It’s ok to get messy!
8. Barnes & Noble Online Storytime: I just discovered this. The website has tons of books organized by age and topic. You can find out more by clicking here.
7. Build a Fort: This is one of my favorite things to do with my kids. I’m a planner so I pull out all the blankets and together we put together our plan before we start building. It’s so fun! Don’t you remember loving fort building as a kid? I do!
6. Movie and PJ Day: I do this with my kids everytime it’s raining. Which was a lot this summer. But I pull out a tent, open it in the living room, add blankets/pillows, let the kids pick a movie, and make popcorn. It’s my kinda day – restful!
5. Go Park Hopping: This is fun for the kids. We pick a few parks to go to and then hit them all. I make my 4 year old rate the park. It’s always funny to hear what he says.  Here is list of Forsyth County Parks & some links to Cumming Local reviews.
4. Water: At the end of last summer, I had a water day. During that day we did all kinds of water fun ending with the pool. You can be creative with this. If it’s raining (not lighting) let the kids play outside in the rain. You might enjoy that also.
3. Fall Cleaning: I know this sounds silly. Who can clean when preschoolers are around? But you would be surprised. My kids love to help. So what I’ve done this year is just give them jobs. So far – we have cleaned out the playroom. And they filled up two garbage bags of toys to give away! This week we are sorting through clothes. And even my one year old is helping put the clothes in a bag.
2. Storytime at the Forsyth County Libraries: All of the libraries in Forsyth County have great storytime programs. To check out the times and locations go here.
1. Enjoy Your Kids: I need to take my own advice. But as I have heard quite often – the days are long but the year are short. And that is the truth. Soak up the days you have with your preschooler, they will be in elementary school soon!
So share – what would you add to the list?  Which of these do you enjoy doing?